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How to increase FPS. 4 cases +1

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How to increase FPS. 4 cases +1

How to increase FPS. 4 cases +1




We continue the gamer theme raised in the article about lowering the ping. This time we will touch on another indicator that creates problems for many gamers. Let's talk about low FPS.

What is FPS

FPS (Frames per Second) is the frequency that represents how many frames are seen per second on your screen.

Depending on individual visual characteristics, the human eye is capable of capturing up to 120 FPS. Further increase of this parameter will be no longer noticeable.

When the FPS drops below 60 fps, a person begins to notice a slight faltering of the image. Video begins to «twitch» and if the FPS slows down more, the picture distinctly freezes.

A comfortable indicator for the game is 40-60.
At the level of 20 begins a strong «lag». You find it difficult to react to events.
At level 10 you will remember what a slideshow is. You can't expect a normal game with such an indicator.

What affects FPS

If the ping is largely determined by the Internet connection and the computer's ability to send and receive information from the server, the FPS is related to the system load and its resources.

The video card is very important. A discrete chip is desirable, designed specifically for gaming, graphics and computing. Whereas integrated chips, designed for picture output and video decoding, can only handle games that are not very demanding.

Another important factor is the load of the system processes. When your computer performs a lot of unnecessary activities, the resources that can be used for the game are significantly reduced.

The gameplay is also affected by the availability of RAM and disk space,and also, of course, viruses.

What to do to increase FPS

The most effective and obvious way to increase FPS in games is to buy a new graphics card. But we are not looking for easy ways, are we? Let's think about how to achieve the goal without financial cost.

Keep in mind: FPS is inversely related to image quality. By increasing one parameter we sacrifice the other.
By the way, if you get a number higher than 80, the strain on your eyes will increase.

It is also worth paying attention to the sweep of the monitor — the frequency at which it is able to refresh the image. It is measured in Hertz, which is essentially frames per second. Most modern monitors have a sweep of 60 or 75 Hz. So it does not make sense to chase the FPS more than the monitor can show.

In most games, or software that comes with the video card driver (such as Geforce Experience or Amd Adrenalin), you can enable so-called FPS Lock or vertical synchronization, which limits the number of FPS rendered by the video card.

If you have, for example, a 60 Hz monitor, it makes sense to enable the 60 FPS limit. This will significantly reduce the load on the system as a whole, so you can make the picture smoother and prevent possible overheating of your graphics card.

Running diagnostics

To begin with we recommend checking the loading of the system components. The latest versions of video card manufacturers' software (AMD Adrenalin and GeForce Experience) have a built-in monitoring panel.

If the video card is overloaded, we will update drivers and change settings. If the processor — optimize the system, clean everything unnecessary.

Video card settings and drivers

Regardless of which video card is installed on your computer — IntelHD, NVIDIA or AMD — the order is as follows: drivers first, then settings. To check if the drivers are up to date, you can open the Task Manager and view everything manually or use a third-party program.

Going back to FPS, he first step is to update all outdated drivers.

Next, you can proceed to the settings. We need to find the Control Panel of the video card. We are interested in the integrated chip if there are two, or discrete if there is only one video card.

The settings will be similar for different video card models:

  • Power — «Maximum performance»;
  • Smoothing (any) — off;
  • Triple buffering — off;
  • Detail — minimum;
  • Streaming optimization — off;
  • Filtering (there are a lot of them) — off;
  • Vertical synchronization — off;
  • Number of pre-prepared frames — 1.

Once the settings are set, you need to check the result. If the picture has become too bad, you need to adjust the settings.

It is important to achieve a ratio where FPS has increased, but you aren’t disgusted to look at the monitor:)

You can always restore the original settings.

Note «just in case». Make sure the computer switches to the integrated graphics card when you start the game, and not continue to run on discrete.

When launching games, go into the graphics settings and move the sliders towards performance. Pay attention to the item «Screen resolution». If it is possible to choose a proportional, but a little less, try and check the result.

Usually low FPS is caused by effects, shadows, water and other details. It is their quality in the games remove first of all.

Overall shadow quality Very low
Model and texture detailing Low
Effects detailing Low
Shader detailing Low
Multi-core processing On
Multisampling anti-aliasing mode None
Texture filtering mode Bilinear
FXAA anti-aliasing Off
Vertical sync Off
Motion blur Off

System parameters

During the game pay attention to the running processes. Force the unnecessary ones to end.

In the «Properties» of «My Computer» go to the «Advanced» tab and find the speed settings. Check the «Ensure the best performance» box.

Also look at what programs are in the «Autoloader».

A rather radical, but quite workable tool is to simply reinstall Windows. A «fresh» system is less loaded with unnecessary processes. If you've been meaning to do it for a long time, now is the time. By the way, we can help.

If you play on a laptop, make sure that the «Power Plan» is set to «High Performance» during the game.

Cleaning it all up

We have already written many times about the importance of keeping your enclosure clean and cooling it properly. Overheating of the system elements reduces the speed of their work, performance drops.

It is not enough to clean the case from dust, it is also necessary to free the memory from accumulated temp / malware / unnecessary files.

Also try defragmenting your C drive. To do this, go to its properties and under the «Tools» tab select «Perform defragmentation».

Special Software

There are many special programs to increase the FPS. We will not recommend them, because we could not be convinced of their effectiveness. Some of them put even more strain on your system, others are purely sources of advertising, and some are just viruses in disguise.

In fact, there are effective tools for overclocking chips, but it is not recommended to use them without a thorough knowledge of the characteristics of a particular model. The chip can simply be destroyed after a couple of uses of the program.

What’s the bottom line?

All of the above actions should be performed carefully. In order to achieve a good result and efficiently use the computer's resources, we recommend entrusting the work to a computer specialist. Our staff will quickly clean your computer, reinstall the operating system, install the latest drivers, check the temperature and load components.

We will get you low pings and high FPS.

Don't believe us? Call us back and see for yourself!



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