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How to get reliable information about the speed of the Internet




How to get reliable information about the speed of the Internet

Today, the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is impossible to imagine a workflow, leisure without it, so the speed of the Internet connection becomes a very important aspect. Its high rate ensures a normal work process, does not slow down and does not make the user wait. But sometimes problems with speed cannot be avoided.
What can cause these problems, which of them are the most common, and how you can check the speed of Internet access, you will learn from the article.

Speed mismatch: who is guilty?




Speed mismatch: who is guilty?

Why the declared speed may differ from the actual one. If a movie is downloading for a long time or a photo archive is being sent slowly, do not rush to complain about a poor connection. Perhaps it's all about your equipment, and the problem is solved very simply. Earlier we talked about how to check the connection speed with the network, and now we want to talk about the possible reasons for its inconsistency with the one stated in your tariff plan.

Everything you need to know about the IP address




Everything you need to know about the IP address

Have you ever heard the threat «I will find you by IP»? The IP address does contain information about the location of the connected device, but an ordinary user will not be able to «calculate» someone. But in some cases, knowing your IP address is simply necessary. And if you are reading this article, then most likely you have already asked yourself this question. Therefore, let's figure out what an IP address is, what it is for and how to find it out.