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Most users use Wi-Fi routers to access their home Internet network. Without proper network protection, it is impossible to guarantee complete security and data privacy. However, some ways will allow you to protect your Wi-Fi from the most common methods of hacking by fraudsters. That's what this article will talk about.
How Wi-Fi works
Wi-Fi is a technology that allows you to connect to the internet and exchange data without wires, using radio waves. Here's how it works:
The most common types of Wi-Fi attacks and how to defend against them
Now, let's understand exactly how attackers can harm your Wi-Fi network and how you can keep it private and protected.
1. Password cracking
This is a proven and effective method that hackers use to gain access to a Wi-Fi network. Insecure passwords become easy prey for hackers who can find them in databases of broken accounts, as many users reuse their favorite passwords or leave them at their factory settings. Or, fraudsters can intercept your data, which may include logins and passwords, in what's known as a "man-in-the-middle" attack. As a result, your web traffic, which by default is sent to the Wi-Fi router, will be sent first to the hacker and then from the hacker to the router without the device noticing the change.
The danger of password cracking can cause:
2. Hacking via WPS PIN
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) attacks are known for their effectiveness. They work as follows:
The fraudster's access to the WPS code allows him to connect to your network regardless of changing the Wi-Fi password. In many routers, the WPS PIN cannot be changed, leaving the network vulnerable while WPS is active.
3. Hacking via remote access
On the one hand, setting up remote access provides convenience to users. On the other hand, it is a threat from fraudsters if proper security measures are not taken, and here's why:
Knowing the network name or SSID (Service Set Identifier), which you can see when searching for Wi-Fi, allows you to connect to a particular network. By default, routers and access points show your network name to anyone who wants to see it. But you can hide it as follows:
4. Vulnerability in the router firmware.
The operating system your router runs on may contain bugs and vulnerabilities (especially if it is outdated). Through them, hackers from anywhere in the world can infiltrate your network and steal personal information.
Most models update automatically, but some models require you to update the firmware manually. To do this:
If your router has these features, they are activated by default. While your device is connected to the Internet, the firewall acts as a screen, blocks all ports except those you open, and thus protects your device from hackers. Activating a VPN allows you to create an encrypted tunnel that protects not only the router but also all devices connected to the network. You can also use other software for protection, such as antivirus programs.
So, it is not difficult to improve Wi-Fi security. Just follow these simple tips, and your personal information will be reliably protected from theft.
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