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В разговоре о лицензионных версиях ПО и ОС, многие недоумевают: «Зачем платить, если все это я могу скачать бесплатно?». Сегодня мы расскажем о различиях между платными и бесплатными Windows и попробуем убедить Вас в том, что есть смысл покупать лицензию.
Updates are great. But not always. And sometimes they are not great at all. Many of us have experienced this, so we avoid changing from a comfortable and familiar interface to an updated one. Today we will tell you why you should postpone Windows 10 updates and show you how to do it.
How happy we are when we buy a new computer or upgrade an old one — we reinstall the operating system and the necessary programmes. Everything «flies»! But... with time, the feeling of flying is replaced by the feeling of leisurely walking with obstacles. The computer starts to «freeze», files take a long time to open, the system starts to malfunction more frequently. We would like to note that similar «disease symptoms» appear also when the computer is infected with viruses.
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