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Myths about gadgets that are useful NOT to believe




Myths about gadgets that are useful NOT to believe

Users are in the habit of believing common «truths» about technology without questioning them. Often this belief doesn’t benefit either the user or their device. All sorts of misconceptions are spread not only by incompetent users, but also by hardware manufacturers or software developers for their own benefit.

8 Tips for Enjoyable Web Surfing




8 Tips for Enjoyable Web Surfing

Are you also tired of seeing more ads than the information you need, and of being startled by autoplay videos? Or maybe you're tired of looking for content that's constantly unavailable in your area? Stop putting up with it! Today we're going to show you 8 small but very useful tools you can use to build your own perfect Internet.

How to work more efficiently in Google Docs




How to work more efficiently in Google Docs

With the appearance of Google Docs, some users have practically moved away from using the once familiar Microsoft Word. And no wonder, because the Word text editor is inferior to Google's in many ways. In this article, we describe in detail the features the service has and what makes it so popular for work and personal use.