Useful information on setting up devices
Software: comparison, analytics
The most detailed publications about our services
In today's technological world, it is possible to use an increasing number of different services online. All you need is access to the Internet from your computer or smartphone. In this article, we decided to collect and share with you the services and resources that are currently most popular among Kharkiv citizens.
Instead of the usual «Are you going out again?» at homes with children, more often you hear «Get away from the monitor at least for an hour!» If you care about the safety of your child and are interested in ensuring that he or she spends time at the computer usefully, this article is for you.
If you have begun to forget what paper money looks like and use cashless payments for the vast majority of your purchases, you should know how to protect your finances. Today we will tell you how not to become a victim of cyber-fraud.
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