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Loyalty programs

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Loyalty programs

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loyalty programs for existing subscribers

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Loyalty program «Recommend Maxnet»

Loyalty program «Recommend Maxnet»

Get a month of services for yourself and a friend as a gift

Loyalty program «Recommend Maxnet»
Get a referral link and send to a friend
Loyalty program «Recommend Maxnet»
A friend connects to Maxnet
Loyalty program «Recommend Maxnet»
Get a month as a gift for yourself and your friend
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Loyalty program «Pay less — get more!»

Loyalty program «Pay less — get more!»

As part of the loyalty program "Pay less - get more!" subscribers pay for six or twelve months of using the services and receive one or three as a gift.
Loyalty program «Pay less — get more!»
Deposit to your personal account an amount equal to 6 or 12 months of the subscription fee.
Loyalty program «Pay less — get more!»
Use services with an extended period of 1 or 3 months, respectively.
Loyalty program «Pay less — get more!»
The cost of the tariff plan will be fixed for the entire period of participation in the loyalty program.
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