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Recently, analytics company M-Lab published its annual report regarding internet speeds around the world on the internet portal To get the latest data, 1.3 billion speed tests were conducted in 220 countries between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023. In particular, 402,188 tests were conducted in Ukraine, 65,651 of which were conducted on unique IP addresses.
It should be noted at once that the indicators obtained in the course of the study can be considered only relative, and there are a number of reasons for this:
But all the same, the published material allows to get a general understanding of the trends in the modern Internet sphere.
Thus, among the countries or territories with the fastest Internet in the world are: the island of Jersey (264.52 Mbps), Liechtenstein (246.76 Mbps), Macau (231.40 Mbps), Iceland (229.35 Mbps) and Gibraltar (206.27 Mbps). What they have in common is their small size, location in Western Europe (Macau is the exception) and the prevalence of FTTP (fibre-to-the-home) networks.
Afghanistan (1.71 Mbps), Yemen (1.79 Mbps), Syria (2.30 Mbps), East Timor (2.50 Mbps) and Equatorial Guinea (2.70 Mbps) occupy the last rungs in the ranking.
The study also found an upward trend in the global average broadband download speed. If last year the value was 34.79 Mbit/s, this year the figure is 45.60 Mbit/s.
As for the average download speed in Ukraine, as of 2023 this indicator is 38.13 Mbps. Whereas last year the value was 47.74 Mbps. Thus, we are now ranked 101st in the world (for comparison, in 2022 we were ranked 52nd and in 2021 – 77th).
For comparison, according to the results of the last study of fixed broadband and mobile Internet network productivity in Ukraine, conducted by Speedtest by Ookla 2019, Maxnet was recognised as the fastest Internet provider in Kharkiv. At that time, our average fixed Internet speed was 53.54 Mbps.
Since then, the company's network has been upgraded to gigabit Internet access, and the number of our gigabit Internet users has increased more than 10 times. Besides, nowadays we provide a bonus +100 Mbit/s for subscribers who use the 100 Mbit/s package (if technically possible for the subscriber).
Therefore, we are waiting for the results of the next survey from Speedtest by Ookla to evaluate the growth of the average Internet speed from Maxnet. In the meantime, here are the current results of our gigabit speed test – 933.63 Mbps. But we don't stop here :)
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