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When browser pages open at such a speed, as if someone is typing them by the hand, there are two options: to resent or to find out what's wrong. In this article, we'll show you how to test host availability to find out what the problem is.
Command line network utilities
To diagnose internet connection problems, special commands are used, which include:
To "ping" the address, you need to go to the command line. For this, press Win + R or start typing the word "Run" in the Start menu search. In the window that appears, enter the command "cmd" and click "OK".
In a new window, you need to enter the "ping" command and the site address
Press "Enter". The execution of this command means sending and receiving four packets of 32 bytes and displaying the statistics of the received response.
The duration of receiving a response in a few milliseconds (ms) indicates the availability of the site. If the line “request timeout” appears on the screen, the site is unavailable or uses increased protection settings.
If you want to constantly monitor the response time of a site beyond four packets, add the -t option after the ping command. You can stop the execution of such a command with the key combination Ctr+C.
If you want to send a specified number of packets, use the -n option followed by the desired number.
You can also set the size of packets to send using the -l option (no more than 1450 bytes).
The above options can be combined.
If no packets are received as a result of the "ping" command, the specified host is either unreachable or is disabled for ping response. In this case, you can use a detailed check using another utility - tracert.
To start tracing, enter the tracert command and the server's ip address or domain in the command line.
As a result of executing the command, the addresses of intermediate routers and the response time of each of them are displayed on the screen. If all packets passed the intermediate segments without problems, there is no malfunction. And if there are problems in the transmission of packets, you can see the route interval where this occurs.
Commands are used not only to check the availability of a certain resource, but also to check the connection speed with the required host (PC, server).
If you have found problems with connecting to a separate resource (access to which is not prohibited by law), copy the results of the check into a file and contact the specialists of our service and information center. It will help us quickly fix the problem.
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