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Computer technology from inventions to today

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Computer technology from inventions to today

Computer technology from inventions to today




Computer technology history is less than 100 years old, but a lot of interesting things have happened in that time. Today we're going to talk about some interesting facts about the Internet and computers.

First time in the history of

  • The first computer was designed in 1937 by John Vincent Atanasoff.
  • Creation and testing of the first Atanasov-Berry computer — 1941. This computer was not programmable, but was intended solely for solving linear equations. The device was not completed because of the World War II outbreak.
  • First programmable computer Mark I — 1943 The customer was the U.S. Navy, the contractor was IBM.
  • First PC network — 1945.
  • First electronic digital computer ENIAC — 1945 (weight — 27 tons, area — 167 square meters).
  • First programming language «Plankalkül» — 1945.
  • First mention of the word «bit» for the smallest unit of information by Claude Shannon in his article «Mathematical Theory of Communication» — 1948.
  • The first appearance of the idea of the Turing test was in 1950. The test involves a person communicating with another person and a computer. The machine will pass the test if the person has difficulty telling in which case he communicated with the computer. Already today programs have been created that can pass the Turing test.
  • The first mass-produced computer from IBM was in 1953.
  • The first RAMAC 305 hard drive — 1956.
  • Invention of the computer mouse (material: wood) — 1963.
  • BASIC language developed — 1964.
  • ARPANET (a prototype of the Internet) is invented in 1969.
  • The first demonstration of a neural network was made in 1969.
  • The laser printer is invented in 1969 (by Xerox, of course).
  • Founding of Microsoft in 1975.
  • Apple founding in 1975 (both corporations were created by a group of like-minded people in an ordinary garage).
  • First CD-ROM in 1980.
  • Release of the best-selling Commodore 64 computer (20 million purchases record still unbeaten by any model) — 1982.
  • First computer virus in 1982.
  • First emoticons appeared in 1982.
  • First Grid Compass laptop in 1982.
  • TCP/IP is introduced and the term «Internet» appears in 1983.
  • Windows 1.0 was released in 1985.
  • Version 0.01 of Linux in 1991.
  • First browser (web browser) NCSA Mosaic — 1993.
  • First DVD in 1995.
  • First chess victory over Grandmaster Garry Kasparov on the Deep Blue computer — 1997.
  • Launch of e-commerce — 1997.
  • Founding of Wikipedia in 2001.

Interesting facts today

  • Most user computers use only half the resources.
  • In China, games where you can kill people are banned. Games with monsters and demons are strictly censored.
  • We are the only ones who call the «@» symbol «dog». Belorussians and Italians call it «snail». The Greeks call it a duck, the Israelis call it a strudel, and the Germans call it a monkey.
  • The vast majority of users don't read user agreements. GameStation tested this by adding the sentence «You give your soul to the store» to the document and recording that the number of confirmations has hardly decreased.
  • Today there are no more free domains of 3 characters in such common zones as .com, .net, .org.
  • Don't like reCAPTCHA verification for the fact that it is difficult to enter the combination the first time? This is because the system considers the answer that users have entered most often to be correct. It can easily be wrong.
  • The most common breakdown, with which people go to the service — spilled liquid on the keyboard. So move your cup away. In second place is the failure of components caused by a power outage.
  • The share of currency that can be touched has already fallen to 10% and continues to decline by almost 2% per year, the rest of the money is digital. With this trend of online payments and cards spreading, the usual money will remain exclusively in the regions where «progress has not reached».
  • 80% of emails that come to users are spam and advertising mailings.
  • The first cryptocurrency bank in U.S. history was American startup Anchorage, which offers digital currency storage services.
  • In 2017, Facebook researchers used machine learning techniques to create chatbots.
  • In artificial intelligence systems, developers most often use female voices. They are perceived by people as more pleasant compared to male voices (according to research by American scientists).

We hope you were interested and we told you something you didn't know before.



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