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To protect your computer from viruses and other threats, it is recommended to use antivirus software. Since licensed software is expensive, for personal use many Windows users prefer free versions, which in most cases have enough functionality. But because of the variety of such products, it is sometimes difficult to decide which one to choose. After getting acquainted with the effective programmes collected in this article, it will be easier to do so.
Global network development is very active and will soon not be possible without the expansion of the address space. This process involves a gradual transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Today, we'll tell you what the problem is and how to prepare for it for ordinary users.
Earlier we told you how to find out the Wi-Fi password on Android and iPhone if you don't remember it. But this problem often occurs with PC users with Windows, macOS, Ubuntu or Linux Mint installed on them. In such cases, the following methods will help you to recover the password.
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