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With a power outage, Internet connection is lost almost simultaneously. Regardless of which technology is used for the Internet in your home (ETTH or PON), both the provider's and the subscriber's equipment must be backed up for the network to operate during power outages. If all active ISP equipment is connected to an uninterruptible network, you are left to take care of the backup power supply for Internet devices in your home. This can be done in several ways: using a standard power bank paired with a DC-USB converter or using a mini UPS. We tell you about it in detail in this article.
Since the advent of wireless technology in 1997, Wi-Fi standards have been constantly evolving. Today there are two current versions: version 5 and 6. At the same time, the 7th version of Wi-Fi has already been introduced. What are the differences between them and which version is enough for your laptop or other gadget? About this you will learn from our material.
Due to the massive shelling of infrastructure, fan blackouts continue in Ukraine. Of course, in such situations you can recharge your smartphone or laptop with a power bank. But if it is not at hand? In this case, there are ways that will help to extend the battery life of your gadgets.
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