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Changes in TV packages

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Changes in TV packages

Changes in TV packages




Dear subscribers!

We continue to work and give you the opportunity to watch interesting TV content on a variety of topics.

And we would like to inform you that there are new TV channels:

  • "Da Vinci" — science and education TV channel for children and adults, broadcasting scientific and educational programs about nature, Earth, technology, human and culture;
  • "ECO TV" — the channel is devoted to environmental issues of the planet and is filled with content of cognitive, informational and analytical, cultural and entertainment nature;
  • "Armiya TV" — Ukrainian state TV channel of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, which covers military topics.

There have been other changes in the Basic TV package as well. Because of this, users of this package need to rescan channels. If you wish, you can view the current list of TV channels here.

We wish you a pleasant viewing experience and continue to keep you updated!

Yours faithfully, Maxnet team