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Announcement on the implementation of measures to ensure adequate quality of telecommunication services

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Announcement on the implementation of measures to ensure adequate quality of telecommunication services

Announcement on the implementation of measures to ensure adequate quality of telecommunication services




Dear subscribers!

Taking into account the consumers' interest in receiving quality and timely telecommunication services, the reduction of the company's staff due to mobilisation, as well as material expenses incurred by the company due to constant shelling of critical infrastructure, since 29.11.2024, Maxnet LLC engages third parties to cooperate:

For the purpose of renting equipment:

  1. IE Kulyk Alina Olegivna.
  2. IE Anfyorova Julia Olexandrivna.
  3. IE Kharchenko Natalia Yuriivna.

For the purpose of providing subscriber services:

  1. IE Kulyk Maryna Olegivna.
  2. IE Tavolzhanskyi Mykola Volodymyrovich.
  3. IE Shpak Anastasia Romanivna.

Implementation of the above measures is conditioned by the need to comply with paragraph 5 of the Order of the National Centre for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunications Networks No. 180/1985 of 02.03.2024, in terms of achieving the indicators stipulated in paragraph 1 of this Order, as well as justified by paragraphs 4.3.21, 4.4.34, 5.17 of the Conditions for the provision of electronic communication services.

At the same time, the final cost of tariffs for consumers is not changed.

Your faithfully, Maxnet team